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Come and try Beginner Contemporary Saturday 23 November 2024 10.00am – 11.15am Cost: $25 Class will be taught by Zac. We recommend wearing something stretchy, such as leggings, track pants, a t-shirt or tank top.…
TERM DATES Term 4 runs from Monday 21st October to Saturday 14th December (8 weeks), with the exception of Beginner Contemporary (7 weeks – no class Saturday 30th November). NEW STUDENTS Please ensure you have contacted…
TERM DATES NEW STUDENTS Please ensure you have contacted us and confirmed suitability for the class/es before enrolling. RETURNING STUDENTS Please enrol by Saturday 3rd August. A $25 admin fee will apply for enrolments made after…
Term 2 runs from Monday 29th April to Thursday 27th June 2024 (9 weeks). Beginner Hip Hop and Beginner Heels classes will start on the week of Monday 6th May. NEW STUDENTS Please ensure you…
Term 1 runs from Monday 26th February to Thursday 11th April 2024 (7 weeks). Select up to 4 classes. NEW STUDENTS Please ensure you have contacted us and confirmed suitability for the class/es before enrolling. EXISTING STUDENTS…
Term 4 runs from Monday 2 October to Friday 1 December 2023 (9 weeks + 2 x 2 hour Sunday rehearsals on 5th and 12th November – see band apps for more info. Total =…
Term 3 runs from Monday 31 July to Friday 29 September (9 weeks). Please ensure you have contacted us and confirmed suitability for the class/es before enrolling. Enrolments
Term 2 runs from Monday 8th May to Thursday 6th July (9 weeks). Please ensure you have contacted us and confirmed suitability for the class/es before enrolling. Only new students need to enrol online. Existing students will…
Term 1 runs from Monday 20th February to Thursday 20th April 2023 (9 weeks). Please ensure you have contacted us and confirmed suitability for the class/es before enrolling. Please enrol and pay by the cut off date…
Enrolments for Term 4 (Monday 3rd October – Thursday 8th December 2022) Existing Students – Please note a show registration fee of $45 has been included in the price. Please enrol and pay by Sunday 30th October. Payment after…